At CACI, we are committed to the highest legal and
ethical standards in the conduct of our business. Compliance
with these standards requires vigilance on the part
of every CACI employee. CACI relies on reports to its
Compliance Hotline from employees like
you to make sure we properly address any unethical or
improper work-related behavior.
The CACI Compliance Hotline is available
via our hotline vendor Convercent 24 hours a day, 7
days a week, and enables you to confidentially and anonymously
communicate any suspicion of business misconduct without
fear of retaliation. If you suspect improper or unethical
work-related behavior, you can report your concerns
by calling the Compliance Hotline at 1-800-928-3505
or submitting a report via Convercent's website.
Utilizing the Hotline, reports are received, evaluated
and, depending on the nature of the report and the channel
through which it is made, referred to the General Counsel,
the Chairman of the Audit Committee of CACI International
Inc's Board of Directors, the Internal Auditor, the
Corporate Ombudsman or the Employee Relations Manager
for action under CACI's Corporate Compliance Program.
The Hotline provides an opportunity to report compliance
issues related to accounting or auditing policies or
practices, internal accounting controls, fraud, waste,
abuse of authority, gross mismanagement, laws, regulations,
CACI's Standards of Ethics and Business Conduct,
corporate policy, conflict of interest and security.